Motorcycle No. 2

Introduced in 1914. Discontinued in 1917. A rare back design. Red decks and singles seem to be the hardest to find. Mrs. Robinson erroneously showed this deck as “Motorcycle No. 1.” The deck she called Motorcycle No. 2 is clearly an earlier issue, so I have switched them. Thanks to a fellow collector for pointing […]

Motorcycle No. 1

Introduced in 1901. Discontinued in 1907. Blue decks show up with some regularity, but I have never seen a red deck or even a red single (except the red sample card shown below). Mrs. Robinson erroneously showed this deck as “Motorcycle No. 2.” The deck she called Motorcycle No. 1 is clearly a later issue, […]


Introduced in 1906. Discontinued in 1917. A beautiful back design that shows a pair of intense goggled racers in an early open-topped automobile (see a detail, below). This was long before roll bars or even helmets were standard equipment. Motorcar is not common, but nice examples can be found. Below is an early advertising piece […]

Motor No. 2

Introduced in 1907. Discontinued in 1917. Thus, Motor No. 1 was replaced by Motor No. 2, a much less interesting back design, but one that still features an early automobile motor. As with Motor No. 1, this back design is rare in either color, and especially rare in blue. One of the Bicycle back designs […]

Motor No. 1

Introduced in 1901. Discontinued in 1907. A highly decorative back design that celebrates an early automobile engine, the vehicle that presumably was motivated by it, and the classic wheel with wings in three dimensions. Rare in either color, but blue singles are especially difficult to find.

Model No. 2

Introduced in 1907. Discontinued in 1927. A relatively common back design. As mentioned on the Model No. 1 page, the Model back was modified in this version to include a fully symmetrical wheel with four wings as the central motif. This corrected the previous version which had an asymmetrical wheel with three wings. But, the […]

Model No. 1

Introduced in 1895. Discontinued in 1907. Not uncommon in any of its red or blue iterations, although I have seen fewer blue decks than red. Decks are rarely found in green or brown, but singles in those colors do show up from time to time. Very similar in design elements to Racer No. 1. See […]

Mobile No. 3

Introduced in 1913. Discontinued in 1917. Almost identical to Mobile No. 2, except that the automobile has been updated to a newer model. Very rare–I have never seen a complete deck.

Mobile No. 2

Introduced in 1906. Discontinued in 1913. A similar, but not identical, automobile to Mobile No. 1 is featured. A rare back design; complete decks are particularly hard to find.

Mobile No. 1

Introduced in 1901. Discontinued in 1906. Complete decks are not often seen, but singles do show up from time to time. If Peter Max were ever to design a Bicycle deck, I would imagine it would look something like this intricate and fanciful back design. Just picture it in full color. See a couple of […]