This website was created by Joseph Pierson to share as much information as possible about the historic Bicycle Playing Cards produced by the Russell and Morgan Printing Company, and its successor, the United States Playing Card Company, from 1885 until approximately 1925. The numerical listings reference the assigned number for each back design in a scrupulously researched handbook published in 1955 by Mrs. Ruth Robinson: “Collector’s Handbook of Bicycle Brand Playing Cards.”
Mrs. Robinson did much of what I consider the heavy lifting on researching Bicycle cards. She was the first (as far as I know) to catalogue each individual back design, and its respective colors. She also noted the date of first issue of each back, and even the subtle printing variations in the evolution of several of the designs. This website should, therefore, be considered an updating of Mrs. Robinson’s fine work, rather than a newly executed original idea.
One area where I have been able to fill a gap in Mrs. Robinson’s work is in the cataloguing of each of the aces of spades, the attending jokers, and the boxes that housed the cards when they left the factory. But even here, I had several predecessors. First was Gene Hochman who wrote the original Encyclopedia of American Playing Cards. His research paired the Bicycle aces and jokers and ascribed a range of dates for each. Tom and Judy Dawson have since lovingly and painstakingly updated the encyclopedia and have added innumerable details on scores of card companies and their cards. All that was left, then, was to inventory the Bicycle box designs.
The boxes that 19th and early 20th century cards came in were ordinary cardboard, sometimes coated, but as often not. Time has been their enemy; many were worn out and discarded, others defaced for USPC promotions that urged consumers to mail in the box top and flap. Many of those that survived suffer the wounds inflicted by cards being repeatedly removed and replaced for nightly sessions of whist, poker or solitaire and the non-archival tape that inevitably followed. As a consequence of the popularity of 52 cards, many decks survive today, occasionally in pristine condition, but most often thoroughly played and without a box. Fortunately, however, enough boxes have fallen into the hands of collectors to create a fairly vivid picture of the evolution of the original homes to these cards.
The miracle of the internet also allows me to render every image in full color, so that’s an added benefit of being where and when I am.
I have included some recent eBay auction prices for Bicycle cards on the individual card pages, for auctions of both singles and complete decks. This should not be construed as an attempt by me to ascribe a specific value to any of the cards shown on this website, it is merely a cataloging of prices realized. As I observe on various pages herein, the prices for Bicycle cards on eBay often fluctuate wildly. But, there is some reason to these peaks and valleys. There are a handful of serious Bicycle card collectors out there. If any one of them really wants a deck or single, he or she will likely put in a very high maximum bid. If no other serious collector bids, the hammer price probably won’t be quite so high. But, if one other collector with deep pockets also bids, the gap between the top two bidders and the rest of the pack can be quite large.
I should also note that I am happy to evaluate any vintage Bicycle playing cards you may have. In that context, it’s important to know that I am an active collector. I will always offer that caveat when asked to ascribe a value to your cards.
I hope you enjoy this website. For suggested edits or corrections, comments or fan mail, please click on “Contact” or the lefthand “US” logo on the home page to access my contact information.

Joseph Pierson
Thanks to JUDY DAWSON and the late TOM DAWSON for sharing their wealth of knowledge about playing cards and for permission to use material from their excellent update to The Hochman Encyclopedia of American Playing Cards.
Thanks to STEVE BOWLING for his consultations and contributions on many matters pertaining to Bicycle cards (dates of issue, design, rarities, and others too numerous to mention).
Thanks also to ROD STARLING, MAXIME HERIAUD, and “A Collector Friend” (who wishes to remain anonymous) for sharing their collections and knowledge.
Thanks to PETER ENDEBROCK for permission to reproduce his excellent guide for dating vintage U.S. playing card decks. Most of the tax stamps shown on my site, and the corresponding text, are from Peter’s dating page, which can be found at Peter’s website also includes a fascinating array of antique European playing cards from his collection.
One final note: this website is not in any way affiliated with the United States Playing Card Company. I admire the long history of exceptional design and impeccable manufacture of playing cards produced by USPCC, and the many fine playing cards they continue to release, including the venerable Bicycle brand. I hope this website is regarded as a fitting tribute to their more than 130 year history of playing card production. “Bicycle” is a registered trademark of the United States Playing Card Company.